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Ginseng Herbal Bath Balls-Boost Energy, Improve sleep

These unique Ginseng #herbalfootsoak help Strengthen the Kidney, #boostenergy, #improvesleep, nourishing the skin.

The main ingredients are:

#Ginseng: Benefits the heart Qi and calm the spirit; For palpitations with anxiety, insomnia, forgetfulness, and restlessness due to Qi and blood deficiency.

#Astragalus:Use with Ginseng for general debility; For reduced appetite, fatigue, and spontaneous, seating due to Qi deficiency;

Promotes urination and reduces edema. Augments the protective Qi and stabilizes the exterior.

#WhiteAtracylodes Rhizome: Dries dampness and promotes water metabolism; For accumulation of fluids affecting digestion as well as edema.

#ChineseYam: Tonifies the Kidney and also stabilizes and binds; Benefits both the Yin and Yang of the Kidney and Lung.

FYI: Resources come from Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica 3rd edition. The benefits of the herbs refer to a certain dosage and per os.

How the bath balls formed? We select the herbs boil them down into the concentrated liquor, mix with Epsom salt, hand-form the #bathballs, through a low-temperature sterilization process. Then sealed in the foil. Compare with all the other #footbathsoaks on the market, the raw #herbalbathsoak you can see the ingredients, but in order to get the active ingredients to work effectively, you have to boil it for over an hour, you will get max benefits from the extracted #herbalfootsoaks.

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